Rachel Bailey was left fighting for her life after a collision on Cave Creek Road in Phoenix in September 2011.
The then-23-year-old had her skull torn from her spine in the incident, but avoided being left paralyzed thanks to the speedy actions of firefighters who rushed to the scene.
The impact of the crash ruptured ligaments in Rachel’s neck and even forced the base of her skull off her spine, so it’s remarkable she was able to survive.
Speaking of the injury that left her in intensive care for a month, Rachel told Arizona TV station 3TV: “I just thought, ‘I’m not going to let this beat me, I’m not going to let this define me.'”

Rachel Bailey was left fighting for her life (AZ Family)
What saved the Phoenix woman was the fact her spinal cord remained intact, which allowed doctors to reconstruct her neck.
Rachel was placed in a coma and underwent six surgeries as a result of the crash.
The type of injuries that cause such often involve severe nerve damage or even the severing of the spinal cord, which typically results in paralysis or death.
Fortunately, she managed to escape that reality and even gained the ability to walk and talk after a lengthy recovery process.
Doctors couldn’t quite believe Rachel’s miraculous recovery, with the young woman putting it down to the fact that she was physically strong as well as having enough muscle around her neck to prevent the decapitation.
She later had dinner with the Phoenix firefighters who helped save her life.
Speaking to TODAY’s Jenna Wolfe, Rachel said: “I wanted to know who saved me. I wanted to thank them and I wanted to honor them.”

She suffered horrific injuries (AZ Family)
Reflecting on the crash, she added: “I can’t change it. you can’t ever change the past, only the future. My energy level is high. I’m ready to take on the world.”
Rachel concluded: “What I got from this whole accident is to live is to give, so if I’m not a giving back, if I’m not volunteering at the hospital that saved my life, I’m not living at all.
“I’m not going to let this beat me or define me.”
Rachel’s story has recently resurfaced after being posted by the Morbid Knowledge Twitter account.
One social media user wrote: “The way humans are able to survive is nothing sort of miraculous.”
While someone else praised: “Just looked up a video of her on The Today Show and she is an amazing young woman.”
Featured Image Credit: AZ Family

A woman has been left shocked after finding out that her electric car costs more than a gas car for a very specific reason.
Jessica Renee, aka @jess.iereneexo, has been left questioning the difference between gas and electric vehicles after showing TikTok viewers her bill for the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle and explained why she’s disappointed with the fee.
Renee shared: “So, at this point I’m wondering does it make more sense to have a gas vehicle or an electric vehicle.”

Jessica Renee was shocked when she saw her electric car bill (TikTok/@jess.iereneexo)
She went on to explain that she ‘just got home and got my bill to renew my plates, and it’s an extra $200 on here.’
Then, she read out the letter which explained her fee.
It said: “The reason being, it says that ‘hybrid plug-in hybrid electric vehicles will be assessed an additional fee of a hundred, a hundred and fifty to two hundred.”
Unfortunately, Renee wasn’t aware that her state charges a ‘fuel fee’ to those with her type of car when they renew.
“What do you need an extra $200 for?” Renee asked.
She said that the 200 dollars wasn’t going towards anything new as ‘it ain’t like you’re making me a new one’.
She went on to say: “Between the electric bill and now this… throw the whole vehicle away.”
Unfortunately, a lot of US states charge an additional registration fee which is due to the fact that PHEVs use less gas and contribute less to the state’s road maintenance funds, which is somewhat funded by gasoline tax.
So, 39 states charge a registration fee for PHEVs, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Which can be anywhere from $50 to $200 for their annual registration fees.
You could even pay more if you live in Utah ($368.76), Georgia ($325.61), Kentucky ($260.23), or Tennessee ($235.03).
Then, depending on the state, you could also pay an annual battery electric vehicle (BEV) fees or electricity tax on top of the registration fee each year.
However, the money does typically go to the state’s infrastructure or highway maintenance.
The website for the NCSL states: “Vehicle registration fees are a reliable source of funding for state transportation systems. The increase in fuel-efficient gas-powered motor vehicles, alternative transportation options, and the increased presence of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles is contributing to a declining gas tax—the primary state revenue source for transportation.
“As the number of electric and hybrid vehicles on American roadways increase, state legislatures have imposed additional registration fees for such vehicles on top of traditional vehicle registration fees.”
Even though Renee was left stumped, her commenters took it in their stride, with one person writing: “Since you’re not paying the gasoline taxes, they have to get it from somewhere else. But to be honest, I would gladly pay that $200. Because I would’ve paid more in gasoline taxes.”
But others were right with her and angry too about it all.
“Girl I was so mad when I got my renewal,” one woman wrote.
“All that extra stuff just for an electric vehicle smh,” another viewer said.
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Featured Image Credit: TikTok/jess.iereneexo
Topics: US News, Cars, Electric Cars, Money, TikTok

Warning: This article contains graphic images and video which some readers may find distressing.
An Idaho woman who was left hanging in the air by her broken leg after a car crash has opened up about how the sickening position actually kept her alive.
Kennedy Littledike, from Nampa, was just 16 years old when she lost her leg in the car accident.
She had just gone through a breakup, and her friends encouraged her to get out and ‘do something fun’ to take her mind off the heartbreak.
The teen drove with two of her friends to a mountain near her house to watch the sunset, but on the way home, Kennedy became emotional and started crying.
She realized the car had veered to the left, and pulled the wheel to try and get it back on the road.
Unfortunately, her plan backfired, and she overcorrected.

In an interview with Inside Edition, Kennedy recalled: “I went off the road on the right side. My side of the vehicle hit the power pole, and we started flipping and rolling.
“We didn’t have our seat belts. So when we were flipping, and I was the first one out, I wasn’t on the ground. I was actually hanging in the power line by my broken leg.”
All three teens were ejected from the vehicle, but Littledike was sent flying 30 feet into the air.
As she was thrown from the car, her arm was torn backwards and was ‘hanging on by the skin on [her] back’.
Her femur – the upper thigh – had snapped over the wire, and was hanging in front of her face.
“A lot of people ask, ‘How did you not bleed out?’,” Kennedy recalled. But the answer to that actually came in the way she’d landed.

She explained: “Well, the main artery in my leg was pinched off by the power line, and then the main artery in my arm was actually cauterized when I got electrocuted.”
Though her injuries helped prevent her from bleeding out entirely, she was still bleeding, with blood running from her leg and arm down into her nose.
“I was just wiping it out because it was literally drowning me,” Kennedy said.
In spite of the extent of her injuries, Kennedy didn’t feel ‘excruciating pain’ while she was hanging from the power line, and wasn’t aware of how badly she’d been hurt until first responders freed her and took her to hospital.
Kennedy had a broken femur, a broken humerus bone, a broken clavicle and a brachial plexus injury. Doctors performed a total of five amputations on her leg, each time hoping to save as much as they could.


She recalled the moment her dad told her doctors would be removing her leg, recalling: “In that moment, you’re 16 years old. All your dreams that you had in your head, they’re all gone.”
Her two friends also suffered broken bones and shattered vertebrae, but both made a full recovery.
After leaving the hospital, Kennedy had to learn how to walk on her prosthetic leg, while also undergoing shock therapy for the injuries to her arm.
She now shares details of her life and accident online and as a public speaker, and she’s learned that the accident has completely changed her outlook on life.
“I’m in a whole different, harder situation, but I’m so much happier,” she said.
“I would go through this accident. I would go through the pain, I would go through it all again, just to have that rewarding feeling, and feeling like I made a difference in someone’s life,” she said.
“So I love it. I really do. And it makes me feel like I make a difference in this world.”
Featured Image Credit: KTVB / TikTok/@_kickitkenny_9

A car crash survivor has opened up about what happened when she nearly died and what she saw.
Willow Caelan, a 34-year-old from Michigan, US, was driving back from the first day of her new job when a car rear-ended her vehicle.
She recalls her and her car being ‘launched 40 yards’ and how she immediately blacked out. However, when she regained consciousness she felt like something ‘unexplainable’ had just happened to her.
Willow’s car was ‘a complete mangled wreckage’ but ‘somehow’ she ‘came out eerily unscathed’.
She recalled: “Everyone was in complete disbelief, especially as no one came to check on me since it was almost certain that I wouldn’t have survived.”
And during the moment where she was unconscious, Willow went through a profound experience, since revealing what she saw and felt during the near-death moment.

Willow was in a car accident (Jam Press)
Willow told What’s The Jam: “I felt like I was just pure consciousness and love, not a human with a body. It was almost like I was floating into a void to be connected with god or some form of the greater universe.
“I couldn’t see or hear anything, but I remember it being dark, comforting and warm. It was incredibly relaxing. I was finally at peace – no longer worried or questioning anything – it was like heaven.”
And the near-death experience radically impacted Willow’s view of reality when she woke up.

Willow’s car was a ‘mangled wreckage’ (Jam Press)
When Willow eventually woke up she says she felt like she’d awoken in ‘an alternate timeline or reality where [she] had somehow stayed alive,’ attributing an ‘unexplainable force’ as having ‘saved’ her.
And while Willow sustained physical injuries, it’s the impact on her outlook, her relationships and mindset which has been long-lasting.
She revealed: “My parents and friends seemed different to me, like strangers. I was different with my mannerisms and how I spoke to everyone.
“Quickly, I realised I had gained a unique awareness of life. It was like everything was new again; colours were brighter, I became more purpose-driven and I wanted to experience everything.”

Willow has spoken out about her near-death experience and what she saw (Jam Press)
Willow explained the experience has ‘allowed [her] to see the beauty of life and our physical reality’, and she’s since trained to become a reiki master, mind mastery coach and a subconscious bridge to help others uncover more about their own souls.
She resolved: “We’re put on this Earth to experience what those feelings are like, even when it’s painful, as it teaches us how to make the most of this greatest gift; life.
“I don’t know if it was divine intervention, a stroke of sheer luck or something more extraordinary. But a mysterious phenomenon kept me from the brink of death.
“[…] We don’t need to sit in what we’ve been through as our definition of self, as we have opportunities each day to recreate who we choose to be. I feel so much more connected to my soul.
“Dying isn’t something to be scared about, it’s just another state of being.”
Featured Image Credit: Jam Press
Topics: Health, Michigan, US News, Cars, Mental Health

Two toddlers were filmed walking on the freeway wearing nothing but diapers following a near-fatal car crash.
On Sunday (August 11), the two kids were travelling in Texas with their father down the I-10 when their car collided with another vehicle.
The collision caused the Jeep that the father and two children were in to completely flip over.
While those who witnessed the ordeal feared for the worst, miraculously all three of them survived.
One onlooker filmed the aftermath of the crash where the two young kids – now revealed to be aged one and four – were seen wearing nothing but diapers as they roamed around the freeway.
Their father is seen rushing over to them as another good Samaritan stood by the other child.
It isn’t thought that the children, their father and those in the other car sustained any serious injuries, but as of yesterday (August 14) the Harris County Sheriff’s Office said that the two toddlers remained in hospital.
Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez tweeted at the time: “@HCSOTexas deputies responded to a major crash on the main lanes of the East Freeway at Freeport.
“A two-car crash where one of the cars flipped over several times causing ejection.”
The post continued: “The car was occupied by one adult and two children. They are being transported to a hospital. No reported injuries to the occupants in the other car.”

The two toddlers were walking around in nothing but diapers. (Victor Cordova/Facebook)
Victor Cordova saw the events unfold and told KTRK-TV that he initially thought the family ‘were dead’.
He’s now sharing a video of the ordeal where the two children were seen on the road in the hopes of raising awareness of the importance of securing children into their car seats.
“For parents, for everybody, even if it’s a short distance, [you need] awareness. To make sure you secure your kids properly,” he told the outlet.
According to ABC 7, the two toddlers’ 25-year-old father could face criminal charges for not restraining his children.

The family’s vehicle flipped over in the ordeal. (Victor Cordova/Facebook)
As per child safety laws in Texas, children under eight years old or under 57 inches tall should be restrained in the car, while those older or taller than this must have a seatbelt on.
“First offense fines for not complying with a state’s child passenger safety laws vary from $10 to $500. Some states also use driver’s license points as an additional penalty for noncompliance,” explains the Governors Highway Safety Association.
In a statement to UNILAD, police confirmed that no charges have been filed yet and that the investigation is still ongoing.
Speaking of those involved in the collision, a spokesperson said: “Both children and the 25-year-old Hispanic male driver of the Jeep Wrangler were transported by ambulance to Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center. They sustained relatively minor injuries, which were not life-threatening.
“The driver of the white Chrysler, a Hispanic male, and his female passenger were transported by ambulance to another local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.”