Man left bedridden and needing nine surgeries after being diagnosed with disease caused by an ingrown hair

A man ended up bedridden for over a year with a disease that few people are aware of.

Since the age of 19, Dylan Conway has undergone nine surgeries, and at one stage in his health journey he was so sick that he was bedridden for 14 months.

Dylan was an infantry officer in the Australian army when he started to suffer with debilitating back pain.

He felt ‘immense pressure on [his] lower spine’ and presumed that after his first operation he’d be able to return to his army training.

The condition that Dylan has is more common in men than women (ABC Science/YouTube)

The condition that Dylan has is more common in men than women (ABC Science/YouTube)

It turned out Dylan had something called pilonidal sinus disease.

What is pilonidal sinus disease?

Explaining what this is, the 27-year-old, who hails from Queensland, Australia, told ABC Science: “With pilonidal sinus disease, hair will fall into your pants and your buttocks rubbing against itself will actually implant hair into your body.

“If you zoom in on a microscope with the hair, it looks similar to a screw. And eventually the friction from walking will end up embedding that hair follicle into your skin.”

Pilonidal sinus disease is often reoccurring. According to the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), over 78 percent of people with the condition have one recurrence, 19.2 percent have two, and 2.6 percent of people experienced three or more recurrences.

With this in mind, Dylan’s had a total of nine surgeries as each of his recurrences had to be operated on.

As of 2022, Dylan had been operated on nine times (ABC Science/YouTube)

As of 2022, Dylan had been operated on nine times (ABC Science/YouTube)

Going on to detail the symptoms he had, Dylan said: “A lot of people will go through this and feel all the symptoms. Tightness in their lower back, pain while sitting down and they won’t even realise or think to get it checked and it can end up leading to an infection occurring in the lower back.”

Waking up from his first surgery, Dylan said he remembered seeing a ‘huge chunk of flesh’ had been removed from his lower back.

Speaking about the numerous operations he’d had to endure and how it has affected him, Dylan went on: “Each time I would go in to have another surgery not knowing what I’d wake up to and see.

“I went from being this really confident young man who was very confident in his body image to all of a sudden you can’t sit down, you can’t walk, I couldn’t socialise with my friends. I couldn’t see my family, couldn’t live life to be completely honest with you.”

Chatting in 2022, he said that should he be told he needed more surgery, he thinks he’s now ‘equipped to deal with it’.

“Most recently I have had the top of my butt completely cut off, and I have a large scar that runs from my lower back all the way down,” Dylan continued.

“I’m uncaring about what it looks like, I’m just happy that I can get outside again and start walking and see my friends.”

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Featured Image Credit: ABC Science/YouTube

Topics: HealthNewsLifeAustralia

Bride left stunned at her wedding after walking in on groom being breastfed by his mother

Bride left stunned at her wedding after walking in on groom being breastfed by his mother

The bride witnessed the undeniably weird moment shortly before the wedding ceremony

Niamh Shackleton

Niamh Shackleton

They say that marriage is for better or for worse, but this bride wasn’t prepared to say ‘I do’ after learning of her groom’s very unusual habit.

I think we can all agree that nobody’s perfect and there’s little things about our parents that drive us nuts, but most of the time we’ll simply put up it.

But this moment was a deal-breaker for one woman when she discovered her groom in the toilet just before their wedding ceremony.

A bride made an unexpected discovery about the groom on their wedding day (Getty Stock)

A bride made an unexpected discovery about the groom on their wedding day (Getty Stock)

Hearing this, you’d think maybe her husband-to-be was having some hanky-panky with one of the bridesmaids; however what she actually saw was much, much worse.

He was being breastfed by is mom.

The moment was shared by podcasters on The Unfiltered Bride last year, with one the hosts revealing that she was allegedly informed of the extremely usual story from the make-up artist who worked at the wedding in question.

Using the pseudonym of ‘Jenny’ for the make-up artist, host Georgie said: “Jenny says to me, ‘I did a wedding the other day and you’ll never guess what happened’.

“She said the bride needed to go the toilet just before the ceremony; this is like, pre ceremony. And she walked into the toilet and what she saw was enough to end a wedding.”

Her The Unfiltered Bride co-host Beth then proceeded to list of several things she thought the bride saw and as you probably expected, she did not guess that the bride walked in to see her groom being breastfed.

“Sorry, WHAT? Why would you marry a man [who still breastfeeds]?” she said, however, Georgie says the bride likely wasn’t aware of the situation during their relationship.

“She’s obviously been doing it continuously to get to that point.” she said.

“Everybody is in the room waiting! But you definitely wouldn’t kiss the groom…”

Like the podcast hosts, people on TikTok were just as floored with the story.

The groom was spotted having a weirdly intimate moment with his mom (Getty Stock)

The groom was spotted having a weirdly intimate moment with his mom (Getty Stock)

“The strongest man couldn’t lift my jaw right now,” one person commented.

“Took ‘mummy’s boy’ to a whole new level,” quipped another, as a third person said: “Omg I didn’t know what to expect but that was not even a fleeting thought.”

A different viewer wrote: “I have been a wedding planner for 15 years.. I’m shook! Never have I come close to this weird of an interaction and I’ve seen some stuff.”

“I have no words other then I have no words,” penned somebody else.

“The way I was like, “nothing could be worse than him cheating”… yup that’s worse. I’d be a runaway bride so damn fast.” another commenter wrote.

Elsewhere in the comments, many asked if the wedding went ahead, and according to some reports, the bride called it off but later reconciled with her breastfed-groom, however, this hasn’t been confirmed.

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Featured Image Credit: Tiktok/@the.unfiltered.bride

Topics: NewsLifeViralPodcastParentingWeddings

Man who is choosing to die by euthanasia shares heartbreaking message

Man who is choosing to die by euthanasia shares heartbreaking message

The Australian man said the hardest thing about his decision is leaving his loving partner behind

Gerrard Kaonga

Gerrard Kaonga

Warning: This article contains discussions of assisted suicide that some readers may find upsetting

Australian man Scott Hollingshed knows his days are numbered and has a heartbreaking message to the world before he ends his life through euthanasia.

Hollingshed is set to be the latest person to take part in Australia’s voluntary assisted dying program in New South Wales, which is set to see him end his life on Friday (2 August).

He said the decision did not come lightly, but he doesn’t want to die like his father did when he faced a terminal illness.

Hollingshed has said his stage four lung cancer is making living every day more difficult. He noted there are days where he doesn’t even have the energy to eat or put on his socks.

Speaking to 7News, he said: “It got to the point where I couldn’t even put my socks on and my missus used to get down on her hands and knees and put my socks on.

The only thing Scott is scared about is leaving his partner behind. (Scott Hollingshed/Facebook)

The only thing Scott is scared about is leaving his partner behind. (Scott Hollingshed/Facebook)

“I know people do things for people they love but that broke my heart seeing her do that.”

Holding back tears, Hollingshed said that he wasn’t scared of dying as it happens to everyone, but he did not want to leave behind his incredible partner behind.

He said at this point, the only thing that scares him is the impact its going to have on his partner, as he believes his death will ‘break her’.

He continued: “I’m at the point where I’ve got something you just can’t fix.”

Reflecting on watching his own father die in hospice care. Hollingshed said he didn’t want that for himself.

He said: “Seeing him wither away… I don’t want to see myself like that and I don’t want other people to see me like that, especially people who care about.

“I’ve been given the control to say, ‘Alright, it’s time’.”

Since being diagnosed with cancer, Hollingshed has been documenting his journey on social media.

He has been live-streaming and sharing emotional updates to his viewers with hopes that he can inspire bravery of someone going through cancer themselves.

A fundraiser has been set up for Scott by a close friend. (Scott Hollingshed/Facebook)

A fundraiser has been set up for Scott by a close friend. (Scott Hollingshed/Facebook)

“I’ve had messages where it’s helped a couple of people and if I could help just one, that makes it worth it,” he said. “It keeps me going, not for much longer, but it keeps me going.

“If I’m dying, then why not make a positive better than a negative?”

A close friend, Kellie Lott, has also started a fundraiser to help the Australian man ‘pass with dignity.’

The GoFundme statement reads: “He is trying his hardest to pass with dignity and I’m sure we all agree that if he had less to worry about for him and his partner it will make his last days much more peaceful.

“Please try to donate anything as every dollar helps especially at this time.”

People can only access voluntary assisted dying in NSW if they meet all the eligibility criteria and follow the process outlined in the law, the NSW Government states.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in a mental health crisis, help is available through Mental Health America. Call or text 988 or chat You can also reach Crisis Text Line by texting MHA to 741741

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Scott Hollingshed

Topics: AustraliaWorld NewsMental Health

Man asked to be taken off life support after flesh-eating disease left his lungs like ‘Swiss cheese’

Man asked to be taken off life support after flesh-eating disease left his lungs like ‘Swiss cheese’

The father of a man who had his lungs eaten by a fungal infection has spoken out of how quickly his son’s health deteriorated.

Gerrard Kaonga

Gerrard Kaonga

A father has spoken out about just how ill his son became ahead of his death after contracting a deadly fungal infection

Ian Pritchard, a 29-year-old chef from Detroit, Michigan, was on life support in hospital after catching a deadly infection.

The infection, blastomycosis, proved to be so severe it had eaten holes in his lungs.

He has since died after asking for his life support to be turned off.

Man asked to be taken off life support after flesh-eating disease left his lungs like ‘Swiss cheese’
Credit: UpNorthLive
0 seconds of 2 minutes, 14 secondsVolume 90%

Ian was initially hospitalized in November with flu-like symptoms, but his situation became more dire as his health deteriorated rapidly.

Before his death, his father Ron Pritchard spoke about his son and explained how his lungs came to have holes in them.

“He didn’t get in very much trouble. He was no trouble to raise. People love his food, people love him,” his father said while speaking to UpNorthLive.

“It is in the air, it is in the trees, the wet leaves, the ground, the mud, it is everywhere in northern Michigan, in fact the midwest is covered in blastomycosis.

“They showed us a picture of his lungs and they literally looked like Swiss cheese.”

Ahead of his son’s death, Pritchard also spoke of the devastation the family would feel if Ian did die.

Ron Pritchard explained how his son's lungs came to have holes in them.


“Stillborn at 8 months, if we lose him, it will be two sons gone. We have our daughter left but our oldest and youngest would be gone.

The GoFundMe page that was set up also confirmed that Ian died February 2 this year. The organizer behind the page, Wendy Sobeck, was a coworker of Ian and explained his family’s reaction.

“The Blastomycosis fungal infection ravaged Ian’s lungs beyond repair,” the update read. “Ian must have felt that he was not going to come out of it and his strength to go on was depleted.

“So Ron, Linda and Ian’s sister Megan told him that it was OK to let go. They did not want to be selfish and hang onto him if he was ready to go, so life support was turned off and he passed away.”

Ron Pritchard had also thanked all the people who had donated to the family’s GoFundMe page. Credit:UpNorthLive

Ron Pritchard had also thanked all the people who had donated to the family’s GoFundMe page. Credit:UpNorthLive

Ron Pritchard had also thanked all the people who had donated to the family’s GoFundMe page.

“Thank you isn’t enough, thank you very much isn’t enough, walking up and giving someone a hug, and I’ve done that a lot, just doesn’t seem like enough,” he said.

“They don’t even know him, they know me from the radio but they don’t know us and yet they have felt the need to say ‘yeah, I’ll help you guys, you are worth it.’

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Ian Pritchard

Topics: NewsUS News

Disturbing simulation shows how man lived with a fork in his stomach for 10 years

Disturbing simulation shows how man lived with a fork in his stomach for 10 years

Lee Gardner didn’t think the plastic utensil would cause him any issues

Emily Brown

Emily Brown

A gruesome simulation demonstrates how a British man had to undergo surgery after living with a plastic fork in his stomach for 10 years.

Whether as a naïve child, a dumb teenager or a drunken fool, I’m sure all of us have eaten something we shouldn’t have at one point or another.

In saying that, though, I’m referring to something like a Lego brick or a penny – I can’t imagine many people have accidentally eaten something as big as a fork.

But in the early 2000s, Lee Gardner did exactly that while playing around with a disposable fork in his mouth.

Plastic forks are definitely not for consumption (Getty Stock Photos)

Plastic forks are definitely not for consumption (Getty Stock Photos)

Gardner gagged with the utensil in his mouth and accidentally swallowed it, but amazingly it didn’t cause him any issues for years.

“The advice at the time was that it would just pass through my system,” Gardner told BBC News as he spoke about the incident.

It wasn’t until 2012 that Gardner had to go to hospital, after he started experiencing stomach cramps and vomiting up blood.

The fork had become lodged in Gardner's stomach (YouTube/Zack D. Films)

The fork had become lodged in Gardner’s stomach (YouTube/Zack D. Films)

Recalling his experience, Gardner said: “While they were looking inside me with the camera the doctor said ‘are you sure you’ve not swallowed anything?’

“I said no but when he asked again, ‘Are you sure? I can see prongs of what appears to be a fork,’ I remembered accidentally swallowing one years and years ago.”

Upon further inspection, doctors realized the prongs of the plastic fork had pressed on to Gardner’s stomach lining, resulting in an ulcer which led to the bleeding.

A disturbing simulation created by Zack D. Films helps demonstrate Gardner’s situation – though be warned, it’s quite graphic:

Gardner had to undergo surgery, but thankfully doctors were able to remove the nine-inch-long utensil.

Gardner said: “I can’t believe it. I have never had any problems with my stomach except once a couple of years ago I remember thinking I felt like something had lodged when I bent over awkwardly.”

Surgeon Hanis Shiwani said Gardner was lucky he didn’t suffer more damage as a result of the fork.

He explained: “If something does get lodged, then normally a patient would become ill almost immediately.

“This is why Lee’s case is so uncharacteristic, not just because the object is a fork but because we believe there are only a handful of cases reported like this where a foreign object has been inside someone for such a long time.

“Lee is extremely lucky that the fork hasn’t caused more damage but we are confident he will make a full recovery.”

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