Doctor explains terrifying impacts of taking 6g of ketamine a day as Emily Willis is left ‘permanently disabled’

A doctor has explained what taking six grams of ketamine every day can do to the body after former adult film star Emily Willis was left ‘permanently disabled’ following her addiction.

Willis, 26, had been admitted to a rehab center in Malibu in February 2024 when she experienced a cardiac arrest and fell into a ‘vegetative coma’.

Now, a lawsuit has been filed in Los Angeles Superior Court which claims Willis has suffered ‘permanent physical and mental incapacity’, and accuses the rehab facility of the ‘abuse of a dependent adult, professional negligence, negligence and fraudulent business practices’.

Why did Emily Willis go to rehab?

Emily Willis was taking 5-6g of ketamine a day (emilywillisx3/Instagram)

Emily Willis was taking 5-6g of ketamine a day (emilywillisx3/Instagram)

Willis, whose real name is Litzy Lara Banuelos, is described in the lawsuit as having been admitted to the facility after ingesting ‘five to six grams [of ketamine] per day for a year’.

She had also previously been diagnosed by a psychiatrist as having a number of mental health issues, including Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

What happens if you take six grams of ketamine a day?

After hearing about Willis’ case, Dr Suzanne Wylie, GP and medical adviser for IQdoctor, spoke to UNILAD about the terrible impacts that taking such a constant stream of ketamine can have on the body.

Dr Wylie acknowledged that the anaesthetic has both medical and recreational uses, though she stressed that it can have ‘significant and potentially irreversible effects on both physical and mental health’ if taken in excessive quantities over a prolonged period.

The bladder

Among the most well-documented consequences of excessive ketamine use is ‘severe’ damage to the bladder, which is known as ketamine-induced cystitis.

“This can cause intense pain, urinary frequency, incontinence, and, in some cases, permanent damage requiring surgical intervention,” the doctor said.

Willis was described as having bladder inflammation and night terrors (Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images)

Willis was described as having bladder inflammation and night terrors (Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images)

Gastrointestinal issues

Another common symptom of ketamine use is the frequent experience of nausea, abdominal pain, and a condition sometimes referred to as ‘K cramps’, which can make eating and digestion painful.

Organ issues

Due to the toxicity and organ dysfunction that can come with prolonged ketamine use, there are also concerns around impacts to liver and kidney function.

Ian Budd, Pharmacist and medical adviser for Chemist4U, also spoke about the impacts of prolonged ketamine use, telling UNILAD: “The kidneys also suffer, as ketamine strains their ability to filter toxins, increasing the risk of infections and kidney failure. Similarly, the liver, which processes the drug, can become inflamed and scarred, reducing its ability to function properly.”

Budd added that chronic ketamine use can also weaken the heart and lungs by raising blood pressure and heart rate, increasing the risk of long-term cardiovascular issues.

Some users also experience breathing difficulties, especially when mixing ketamine with other drugs like alcohol, Budd explained.

Neurological and psychological impacts

Ketamine can have both mental and physical impacts (Getty Stock Photo)

Ketamine can have both mental and physical impacts (Getty Stock Photo)

When it comes to the brain, Dr. Wylie said that chronic ketamine use can lead to cognitive impairment, memory issues, and difficulties with concentration.

“Dependence and tolerance can develop, leading to escalating use and an increased risk of psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis,” she said. “Some users also report experiencing persistent dissociative symptoms or hallucinatory episodes even when not using the drug.”

Budd added that prolonged use of ketamine can also cause confusion, paranoia and mood swings.

“Over time, ketamine users may struggle to concentrate, process information or even feel connected to reality,” Budd said.

On top of the direct physiological effects, the drug can also impact the user’s overall wellbeing, particularly disrupting relationships, employment, and daily functioning.

“Given the serious health risks associated with such high levels of consumption, it is crucial that individuals struggling with ketamine dependence seek professional medical support as soon as possible,” Dr Wylie said.

Why has Emily Willis been left disabled?

According to the lawsuit, Willis was found unconscious after she was admitted to rehab, though it wasn’t clear how long she was left unattended.

The suit claims nurses and paramedics performed CPR for 30 to 40 minutes until they restored her heartbeat, but the time she was left without oxygen allegedly caused ‘irreversible brain damage’.

UNILAD has previously contacted Summit Malibu, the parent company of the facility, for comment.


Featured Image Credit: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images

Topics: DrugsHealthMental Health

Emily Willis' family claim she would've 'regained control of her life' if medical staff hadn't made major mistake

Emily Willis’ family claim she would’ve ‘regained control of her life’ if medical staff hadn’t made major mistake

The former adult film star was receiving care for drug addiction when she went into cardiac arrest

Joe Yates

Joe Yates

Emily Willis’ family have taken the rehab center she attended to court, claiming things could have gone differently for the adult film star if medical staff hadn’t made a major mistake.

In February last year, Willis – real name Litzy Lara Banuelos – fell into a ‘vegetative coma’ following an unexpected cardiac arrest while at a rehab facility, for which she had checked in with a ‘ketamine addiction’. She didn’t wake from it until three months later in May.

Since then, it has been reported that the now-26-year-old has been unable to move and is only able to track things with her eyes, with it being previously suggested by medical professionals that she is suffering with ‘locked-in syndrome’.

Emily Willis suffered a cardiac arrest in February 2024 (GoFundMe)

Emily Willis suffered a cardiac arrest in February 2024 (GoFundMe)

The Cleveland Clinic states that the condition is a ‘rare and serious neurological disorder that happens when a part of your brainstem is damaged, and people with it ‘have total paralysis but still have consciousness and their normal cognitive abilities’.

Legal action is now being taken against Malibu Lighthouse Treatment Centers, which owns the rehab facility she visited, with the family of Willis claiming its staff ‘failed’ to take appropriate action as her health plummeted over the course of several days in its care.

The complaint states the rehab ‘failed’ to provide her with adequate care up until the incident, amounting to ‘neglect, abandonment, recklessness and negligence’, and that staff should have known her health was at risk based on her medical history and assessments.

It states Willis was subjected to an ‘unsafe environment’ and was ‘left unattended and unassisted for excessively long periods of time’.

“Had the staff followed standard medical protocols, Emily would have had the opportunity to regain control of her life,” claimed Attorney James A. Morris, of Morris Law Firm – the team representing Willis and her guardian.

Willis' family have taken the rehab she was at to court (@emilywillisx3/Instagram)

Willis’ family have taken the rehab she was at to court (@emilywillisx3/Instagram)

“No patient should ever be subjected to such a horrendous breakdown in clinical care. Her health was ignored until it was too late, and now her life is forever changed.

“We hope this lawsuit will spur real change in how treatment centers handle critical cases. Too many patients who should be receiving life-saving interventions are being lost to negligence.”

It was on January 27 when Willis – who joined the adult industry in 2018 and went on to star in more than 700 pornographic films – sought help for her ‘ketamine addiction’ from drug rehabilitation center Summit Malibu in Los Angeles.

The lawsuit explains how the former ‘Female Performer of the Year’ ingested some ‘five to six grams’ of the drug every day for a year.

After checking into the facility her health is alleged to have rapidly deteriorated, and that she was barely eating, showering or even getting dressed – adding that in one instance, a nurse was unable to take her blood pressure due to ‘dehydration’.

Willis is reportedly semi-conscious and is living in care home in Utah (@emilywillisx3/Instagram)

Willis is reportedly semi-conscious and is living in care home in Utah (@emilywillisx3/Instagram)

On February 3, emergency services were called, but Willis was reportedly not taken to hospital; 26 hours later, she was ‘found unconscious’, though it wasn’t clear how long she was left unattended.

Nurses and paramedics performed CPR for 30 to 40 minutes until they restored her heartbeat, yet the lawsuit states the lengthly time she was left without oxygen caused ‘irreversible brain damage’.

Willis is now semi-conscious, considered ‘permanently disabled’ and remains in a care home in Utah.

UNILAD previously contacted Summit Malibu for comment.

If you want friendly, confidential advice about drugs, you can call American Addiction Centers on (313) 209-9137 24/7, or contact them through their website.

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Featured Image Credit: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty

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Man takes dose of magic mushrooms and shockingly amputates penis and stores it in a jar

Man takes dose of magic mushrooms and shockingly amputates penis and stores it in a jar

The man was on vacation when he consumed the magic mushrooms

Callum Jones

Callum Jones

What do you think of when you’re on vacation? Perhaps a cocktail by the pool or a stroll along the beach.

You certainly don’t associate your holiday with a man taking ‘magic mushrooms’ that leads to him amputating his penis and storing it in a snow-filled jar as a holiday activity.

However, that’s exactly what one man did while on vacation in Austria.

A case report confirms a ‘Caucasian man with a history of depression under medical treatment and occasional excessive alcohol abuse’ consumed around four or five magic mushrooms containing psilocybin.

Psilocybin is a drug produced by fungi that can cause hallucinations and euphoric sensations.

It does have its benefits as experts have confirmed therapy in the subject has been tested successfully in patients with major depressive disorder.

The man amputated his penis (Getty Stock Photo)

The man amputated his penis (Getty Stock Photo)

But while it may have its therapeutic benefits, patients who experience high doses of psilocybin see an increase in paranoia and fear.

After consuming the ‘magic mushrooms’, the man is said to have chopped his penile shaft into four different pieces using an axe.

“The most proximal cut completely separated the specimen from the body at

the level of the penile base,” the case report stated.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the patient does not remember amputating his own penis.

After he had completed the shocking act, the man placed the penile fragment in a jar filled with soil and snow.

He then left the holiday home in a ‘confused condition’ before being noticed by a passerby who noticed some excessive bleeding.

The man was transported to the next village, and was then taken to hospital at around 2am – five hours after he initially amputated his penis.

The man took a does of magic mushrooms (Romy Arroyo Fernandez/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

The man took a does of magic mushrooms (Romy Arroyo Fernandez/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

The active bleeding worried medical professionals so the patient was immediately transferred to the operating table to be stabilised.

After a period where he was unresponsive to questions, the man’s condition was improved and the bleeding was kept under control.

Doctors cleaned the open wound and managed to reattach the penis, despite the fact it had been without blood flow for around nine hours.

Some of the skin on the tip of the man’s reattached penis started to die around a week after.

However, doctors were able to treat it and reserve the damage caused.

The man was eventually able to urinate on his own, despite his reduced penis size.

“To our knowledge, this is the first report of psilocybin-induced penile amputation with subsequent macroscopic replantation,” doctors stated of the case.


Featured Image Credit: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images/Getty Stock Image

Topics: DrugsHealthMental Health

Mike Posner explains why none of I Took A Pill In Ibiza's lyrics are true 10 years after writing song

Mike Posner explains why none of I Took A Pill In Ibiza’s lyrics are true 10 years after writing song

The 36-year-old musician is living a very different life to the one he lived aged 26.

Poppy Bilderbeck

Poppy Bilderbeck

Mike Posner has revealed how different his life is 10 years on from the release of hit ‘I Took A Pill in Ibiza’.

The tune was released back in 2015 – feel old yet? – originally as a piece of folk pop music by Mike Posner and later remixed by Norwegian production duo SeeB into the house party anthem that many of us bopped along to back in the day.

The song details the events of Posner’s 26th birthday in Ibiza and 10 years on, he’s reflected just how different his life is now compared to in the song.

Mike Posner's tune really took off when it was remixed.

Getty Images/ Johnny Nunez/ WireImage

Taking to his X account yesterday (February 14) Posner explained he celebrated his 36th birthday a day earlier and feels ‘proud to look at the song lyrics’ of ‘I Took A Pill in Ibiza’ knowing ‘NONE of them are true anymore’.

He continues: “I’ve grown into a completely new man…one that i’m proud of. check this out…”

The musician carries on the thread by dissecting his lyrics and doing a before-and-after comparing the lyrics and his life at 26 to his life now.

The musician has revealed just how different his life is now.

X/ @MikePosner

While at 26, he took a pill in Ibiza to ‘show Avicii [he] was cool,’ Posner explains at 36 he ‘love[s] [himself] more than ever’ and ‘no longer do[es] s**t that harms [his] body to try to get people to like’ him.

At 26, he was living in LA, driving a sports car to ‘prove’ he was a ‘real big baller’ who spends his money on cars, ‘girls and shoes’ whereas now, he drives a ‘4runner,’ has donated a ‘massive jordan collection’ and doesn’t feel the need to prove anything to ‘anyone other than God’.

He continues: “If I buy myself something nice, it’s because i love myself and i deserve it, not because i’m trying to prove to others i’m good enough.”

In the 2015 hit, Posner sung about not wanting to ‘step off that roller coaster and be all alone’, but now the singer explains he’s ‘not even close to alone’ having spent ‘a decade creating a community of the most loving high powered friends in the world’.

Posner leads a very different life now at 36-years-old.

Getty Images/ Matt Winkelmeyer/ Coachella

Aged 26, through his music, he warned people against becoming as distrusting as he was and ending up only knowing ‘sad songs’ but Posner is currently ‘the happiest’ he’s ‘ever been’ in his life.

“And have sustained faith love and joy mindset for over a year,” he adds.

Posner also sung about being a singer ‘who already blew his shot’ at 26 and his song being ‘forgot,’ but he’s actually gone on to ‘inspire’ others as well as himself by walking across America, climbing Everest.

And not being able to ‘keep a girl’ because he ‘cut ’em all loose’ and uses work as an ‘excuse’ when he actually just can’t ‘open up’?

Well, he’s since worked through his ‘fear of intimacy and old avoidant patterns’.

Overall, while Posner may’ve sung that ‘all [he] [knows] are sad songs, sad songs,’ his lyrics couldn’t be further from the truth when compared to his life now 10 years on.

The musician resolves: “36: i know sadness and pain very well, i also know how i overcame/overcome it. it is my duty to teach others to do the same. I know sad songs, but i also know redemptions songs, songs of freedom, songs of faith, and songs of devotion

“Love you. If you’re going through shit right now, keep going, you have no idea how good your life may be in 10 years. in gratitude, mp.”

If you want friendly, confidential advice about drugs, you can call American Addiction Centers on (313) 209-9137 24/7, or contact them through their website.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available through Mental Health America. Call or text 988 to reach a 24-hour crisis center or you can webchat at You can also reach the Crisis Text Line by texting MHA to 741741.

Featured Image Credit: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images/YouTube/Mike Posner

Topics: CelebrityMental HealthMusicSocial MediaTwitterUS NewsWorld NewsDrugs

Robert De Niro explains what's been 'playing through' his mind since the shock death of his 19-year-old grandson

Robert De Niro explains what’s been ‘playing through’ his mind since the shock death of his 19-year-old grandson

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez passed away in July last year.

Poppy Bilderbeck

Poppy Bilderbeck

Warning: This article contains discussion of drug addiction which some readers may find distressing.

Robert De Niro has opened up about how he’s been coping with his 19-year-old grandson’s passing.

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez passed away in July last year, with his mother Drena De Niro – Robert’s adopted daughter – announcing the tragedy in a post to Instagram.

The teenager’s cause of death was ruled as an accident by the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office – the result of a toxic combination of fentanyl, bromazolam, alprazolam, 7-aminoclonazepam, ketamine, and cocaine.

Robert De Niro speaks on grandson’s death
Credit: Today/NBC
0 seconds of 2 minutes, 8 secondsVolume 90%

In her post to her social media, Drena wrote: “My beautiful sweet angel. I have loved you beyond words or description from the moment I felt you in my belly. You have been my joy my heart and all that was ever pure and real in my life.

“I wish I was with you right now. I wish I was with you. I don’t know how to live without you but I’ll try to go on and spread the love and light that you so made me feel in getting to be your mama.

“You were so deeply loved and appreciated and I wish that love alone could have saved you . I’m so sorry my baby. I’m so sorry. Rest in peace and eternal paradise my darling boy.”

Leandro, Drena, and Robert De Niro.

Instagram / @drenadeniro

In another post, the mom said her son was ‘not forewarned to anyone’s knowledge (particularly Yours) that he would be taking a fentanyl laced substance’.

She resolved: “As long as we keep blaming the addict and person suffering mental illness we are going to continue to see more of this.”

Robert also spoke out at the time saying he was ‘deeply distressed’ by his grandson’s passing and several months on, he’s reflected on how he’s been coping with the loss.

Leandro De Niro.

Instagram / @drenadeniro

In an interview with PEOPLE earlier this year, Robert said how much of a ‘shock’ the news was his grandson had passed – adding he was in ‘disbelief’ and ‘never thought it would happen’.

He continues: “And I just then started thinking about all the things I could have, should have done maybe with him.

“I don’t know if that would’ve made a difference. And so that’s always playing through my mind.

“It shouldn’t have happened.”

New York resident Sophia Marks was arrested weeks after the teen’s passing ‘in connection with her distribution of fake oxycodone pills that contained fentanyl,’ the United States Attorney’s Office details.

The 21-year-old was charged with ‘one count of distributing and possessing with intent to distribute fentanyl and alprazolam, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and two counts of distributing and possessing with intent to distribute fentanyl, each of which also carry a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison’.

If you want friendly, confidential advice about drugs, you can call American Addiction Centers on (313) 209-9137 24/7, or contact them through their website.

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