Scientist explains why one major lifestyle change has women reporting sudden loss of attraction in their partners

An evolutionary psychologist has explained why one simple but impactful lifestyle change could completely change whether or not women are attracted to their partners.

If you’re well and truly settled with your other half, it’s scary to think about the concept that changing one thing about your life might suddenly make you less attracted to them.

It would be like choosing to give up bread and suddenly hating your favorite TV show. Gutting.

But while most people could always go back to bread, the lifestyle change we’re talking about here is a bit more meaningful.

It's hard to imagine suddenly losing interest in your partner (Getty Stock Photo)

It’s hard to imagine suddenly losing interest in your partner (Getty Stock Photo)

Psychologist Sarah E. Hill has offered insights into what can happen when women using a contraceptive pill decide to give it up – maybe to try and get pregnant, to try a different method of contraception, or to simply give their bodies a break from the hormone.

On her website, Hill cites research which shows how sexual desire and interest in good genetic qualities in men increase in heterosexual women during the monthly cycle at the same time their estrogen increases.

The research indicates that increased estrogen levels make men with symmetrical faces and indicators of a high level of testosterone – such as a deep voice – more attractive.

However, use of the contraceptive pill keeps estrogen levels low, in turn leading to research which indicates that the birth control can affect who women are attracted to – think beer goggles, but when you’re completely sober.

The contraceptive pill can affect hormone levels (Getty Stock Photo)

The contraceptive pill can affect hormone levels (Getty Stock Photo)

As well as women sharing their experiences of this online, one study published in 2013 used a sample of 55 women who were not on the pill, and asked them to manipulate photographs to create their ideal partner.

After the first session, half of the participants began using the contraceptive pill. The group then returned three months later to carry out the task again, after which researchers found that the women who’d started the pill created faces which were significantly less masculine than the first creations.

Discussing these findings, Hill said: “The results of these studies suggest that the pill – by influencing who women are attracted to – may have important implications for women’s relationships.”

Women have had different reactions to coming off the pill (Getty Stock Photo)

Women have had different reactions to coming off the pill (Getty Stock Photo)

“Given that pill-taking women don’t exhibit the preference for cues to testosterone are observed in naturally cycling women, there’s a chance that a partner chosen on the pill – when women prefer rounder, more feminine faces than what is observed in non-pill-takers – may not meet a woman’s masculinity standards once she goes off the pill.” Hill continued.

Having spoken with women about their experiences giving up the pill, the psychologist went on to say that ‘although many women are able to transition off of the pill without having any major relationship disruptions, this isn’t true for others’.

She added: “The idea that your birth control pill might influence your choice of relationship partners in a way that that could mean trouble down the road might sound a little scary.

“But take heart in knowing that this doesn’t happen to all women. It’s also worth keeping in mind that relationships are always scary. The pill just adds a new wrinkle into the mix.”


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Topics: PsychologyScienceHealthSex and

Women reveal 'common' relationship issue that pushes them to cheat on their partners

Women reveal ‘common’ relationship issue that pushes them to cheat on their partners

Many dating experts have offered their opinion previously on why women cheat

Callum Jones

Callum Jones

Women have revealed the ‘common’ relationship issue that often pushes them to cheat on their partners.

While those on the receiving end of cheating go through an awful lot, many argue there’s a reason people decide to cheat on their partner in the first place.

Dating experts have offered their opinion on this, including one offering six reasons that she believes explain why women may choose to cheat on their partners, while another revealed the common ‘justifications’ cheating partners gave as a reason.

Nonetheless, it’s generally agreed cheating is not nice, so one man decided to pose an important question to women on a Quora forum.

“What made you cheat on your husband?” he asked in the hope of getting a better understanding of why women cheat on their partners.

Women have detailed a 'common' relationship issue that makes them cheat (Getty Stock Photo)

Women have detailed a ‘common’ relationship issue that makes them cheat (Getty Stock Photo)

And as per the Daily Mirror, many women talked about a ‘common’ relationship problem that pushed them to deceive their partner.

“He was cheating and I knew it,” one person wrote. “One of the guys he hung out with couldn’t believe he was cheating on me so he told me about it. I told him to get me proof and I will do you.”

She continued: “He brought me a photo of my husband banging a girl at his office (he was a business owner) and when my husband went to sleep that same day, I slept with his friend in the next room. He never knew. I do not need others to know for it to be successful revenge.”

Certainly a sweet act of revenge many would argue, and the strategy man have decided to use.

“I was heavily pregnant and he did not find that attractive. He even met a woman online that he [slept with] in our shared house. I found her underwear later that day. He denied everything,” one woman said.

She later decided to cheat on her husband.

The ultimate age of revenge (Getty Stock Photo)

The ultimate age of revenge (Getty Stock Photo)

Last year, scientists revealed the ‘real reason’ why people cheat on their partner.

A study looked into the link between infidelity and power and found that people in positions of power could be more likely to be unfaithful in a romantic relationship.

Professor Gurit Birnbaum, who was the lead author in the study, explained that in these relationships, the ‘person in power’ could believe they ‘have more options’ elsewhere.

“In a romantic relationship, these power dynamics might lead the more powerful partner to think they bring more to the table than their less powerful partner,” she said.

“The more powerful might see this as a sign that they have more options outside the relationship and are more desirable partners in general.”


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Topics: Sex and RelationshipsLife

Scientists reveal how much sex is ‘too much’ and why it can have detrimental effects on your health

Scientists reveal how much sex is ‘too much’ and why it can have detrimental effects on your health

Yes, believe it or not there are people out their who engage in an excessive amount of intercourse

Joe Yates

Joe Yates

We’ve all heard that sex is good for us, haven’t we? Of course it is, but everything in moderation.

Yes, believe it or not, scientists have revealed that you can have ‘too much’ intercourse and when you hit that point it can lead to detrimental effects on your health.

44-year-old virgin reveals plans for sex
Credit: LADbible TV
0 seconds of 24 secondsVolume 90%

A recent study has suggested that men who get freaky under the sheets often significantly reduce the risk of heart disease in later life – fellas, shoot your shot and explain that you having sex today is a matter of life and death in years to come.

It’s like the skit in Ricky Gervais 2009 comedy The Invention of Lying where he pretends that the world is ending and so he has to bed a stranger.

Anyway, back to it. Scientists from China came to the conclusion citing that the reasoning was tied to the fact that engaging in sexual activity gets the heart pumping, improves circulation, and helps reduce stress, all things that are great for the heart.

The researchers noted in the Journal of Scientific Reports last December that it is important to consider sexual activity as a useful indicator of overall health.

Engaging in too much sex is bad for your health (Getty stock)

Engaging in too much sex is bad for your health (Getty stock)

The authors wrote: “Those with either excessively high or low frequencies should pay attention to the situation and seek medical attention if necessary.”

Yes, those with too high a sex drive are actually putting themselves in danger.

Researchers considered too much sex to be more than once a day and found there were some eventual downsides.

They wrote: “It’s often overlooked that sexual activity itself constitutes a form of physical activity and aerobic exercise.

“Despite the well-established benefits of moderate physical activity, evidence suggests there may be a point of diminishing returns.

“In fact, high levels of aerobic exercise may detract from the significant health benefits observed with moderate levels.”

So pretty much all things in moderation.

Having sex regularly might be doing more good for your heart than you might think (Getty Stock Image)

Having sex regularly might be doing more good for your heart than you might think (Getty Stock Image)

The study, from a Qingdao University team, analyzed several studies which involved 17,243 US adults to see how sex affects heart health and longevity.

After nearly nine years, they found that men who had sex less than 12 times a year had higher risks of heart disease and early death.

Men that have sex about 103 times a year had a lower risk. This works out to roughly twice a week. They did note that having less sex, 52 times a year, can still offer health benefits.

Dr Alexis Missick, who works with UK Meds, emphasized the many ways sex is beneficial, adding: “Never mind the ways in which sex may be good for your heart in terms of love, intimacy and emotions; sex is quite literally good for your heart.”

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  • Me who never had sex for 11 years Yikes


  • Thank you for sharing. However it all depends at what age you have 103x or 52x a year

  • I am scared 😰. I love sex and twice a day is good 😊. What’s this study saying now.


  • Tarzan is living legend,🤣🤣🤣

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Topics: Sex EducationSex and RelationshipsScience

Expert reveals what could happen to your body if you had sex for '12 hours straight'

Expert reveals what could happen to your body if you had sex for ’12 hours straight’

The expert has detailed the health implications

Callum Jones

Callum Jones

An expert has revealed what could happen to your body if you decided to have sex ‘for 12 hours straight’.

I know what you’re thinking… how on earth can someone have the ability to go on for 12 hours?

Well, while it is unprecedented, certain individuals have completed the unbelievable feat.

And apart from being absolutely knackered, an expert has detailed what could happen to your body if you decide to take it on.

The Metro decided to speak to some experts about the impact having sex for that long period of time can have on your health.

Dr. Danae Maragouthakis, from the sexual health clinic Yoxly, said: “Prolonged, repetitive, and overly vigorous sexual activity can irritate or abrade genital tissue.

“This will lead to swelling, bleeding, and discomfort.”

An expert has revealed what could happen (Getty Stock Photo)

An expert has revealed what could happen (Getty Stock Photo)

The doctor noted that some of the symptoms include cuts, micro-tears, and tenderness – certainly making for an uncomfortable experience.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, your chance of contracting STIs and STDs increase if you are having sex with multiple partners over a long period of time.

“Irritation and abrasions compromise the integrity of the skin, which increases your chances of picking up or passing on an STI,” Dr Maragouthakis explained.

The most common sexually transmitted infection in the US is human papillomavirus (HPV), while cases of chlamydia also remain high.

On top of that, specifically more for women, the sexual health expert added: “Engaging in sex for such a prolonged period of time and with multiple partners raises the risk of disrupting the vaginal microbiome.

“This can alter the PH of the vagina, making you more susceptible to STIs, UTIs, and bacterial vaginosis.”

It can be damaging to your health (Getty Stock Photo)

It can be damaging to your health (Getty Stock Photo)

As per the Metro, Dr Lawrence Cunningham said those who decide to have sex for a prolonged period of time increase their chances of developing a urinary tract infections (UTI).

Doctors advise going for a number one after having sex, but if you’ve been doing it non-stop for 12 hours then that’s certainly going to be difficult.

“With extended sessions, the constant friction and potential for bacteria entering the urethra increase, which heightens the risk of developing a UTI,” Dr Cunningham explained.

You’ve also got the mental health aspects to all of this, with therapist Natasha Silverman telling the Metro: “The brain and body have limits, and it is unusual for women to naturally remain in a state of pleasurable sexual arousal for a 12-hour period.

“Having sex when no longer turned on can be psychologically and physically painful and distressing, and increase the chances of sexual interactions becoming traumatic.”

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  • I g­e­t p­a­i­d o­v­e­r $­2­2­0 p­e­r h­o­u­r w­o­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­o­m­e w­i­t­h 2 k­i­d­s a­t h­o­m­e. I n­e­v­e­r t­h­o­u­g­h­t I w­o­u­l­d b­e a­b­l­e t­o d­o i­t b­u­t m­y b­e­s­t f­r­i­e­n­d e­a­r­n­s o­v­e­r $­3­5­,­0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h>>>> W­­w­­w.W­­o­­r­­k­­H­­i­­g­h­­s.C­­o­­m

    t­h­i­s i­s …

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Topics: HealthScienceSex and Relationships

Controversial study sparks outrage after revealing what age men and women find most attractive

Controversial study sparks outrage after revealing what age men and women find most attractive

A study revealed how men and women’s preferences change (or don’t change) as they age

People have reacted to data revealing the ages men and women typically like to date depending on their own age.

It’s pretty common knowledge than men will often date women substantially younger than them no what what age they are, cough, Leonardo DiCaprio – and data has actually proven this.

From DiCaprio and Bradley Cooper, to Alec Baldwin and Nicolas Cage; there are dozens of celebrities famed for dating women substantially younger than them.

Bradley Cooper is reportedly dating Gigi Hadid who is 20 years his junior. (Gotham/GC Images)

Bradley Cooper is reportedly dating Gigi Hadid who is 20 years his junior. (Gotham/GC Images)

And it turns out these famous faces aren’t alone in preferring to have a relationship with a younger woman as a data from the 2014 book Dataclysm found that men at every age are mostly attracted to women in their early 20s.

Author of the book Christian Rudder used numbers from OkCupid, the dating site he co-founded, to show how women and men differ in the ages of the people they’re attracted to.

While men consistently found that women in their early 20s were the most attractive, women were more likely to find men that were closer in age to themselves the most attractive.

For example, both men aged 28 and 47 said they were most interested in dating women around the age of 20.

In contrast, women aged 28 found that men aged 29 were the most attractive to them and women aged 47 said they looked to date someone aged 39.

There's 26 years between Alec and Hilaria Baldwin. (Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images)

There’s 26 years between Alec and Hilaria Baldwin. (Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images)

While the data is a decade old it has recently resurfaced after British academic and author Hannah Fry discussed it on Instagram.

Hannah looked pretty unimpressed with the findings, as was many of her 388,000 followers.

She wrote in the caption: “This (admittedly quite heteronormative) example is taken from Dataclysm by Christian Rudder.

“The book is a few years old now, but a really fun read and definitely worth your time.”

“The way this literally made me say ‘Ew’ out loud,” one person commented in response to the data.

“This is so gross,” said another, while a third added: “DISGUSTED but not surprised, unfortunately.”

Others defended the data though and claimed that men’s attraction to younger women is purely primal.

One argued: “How is this remotely surprising. Do we know anything about nature. Should I point out that we are animals? Programmed to reproduce? With fertility most likely in younger women? I mean come on people.”

But someone else clapped back with: “Why do people use this pseudo scientific bs about biology to justify men not growing up.”

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