Will Ferrell reveals why he turned down Elf sequel despite being offered ‘crazy amount of money’

Will Ferrell is responsible for one of the most beloved Christmas movies and has finally explained why it never got a sequel.

Looking at Hollywood now, just about everything gets a sequel and it doesn’t always work out for the best.

Sometimes a film’s story just comes to an end and that should be the end of it, especially for certain flicks like Christmas movies.

But when Ferrell became the iconic Buddy for his 2003 film Elf, it is understandable why studio executives wanted to churn out a sequel hoping it would be just as successful – but the Anchorman star has refused every single time.

Elf trailer
Credit: New Line Cinema
0 seconds of 2 minutes, 30 secondsVolume 90%

Recently, in an interview with Josh Horowitz and Reese Witherspoon for the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Ferrell revealed why he wasn’t exactly behind the idea of a sequel.

He argued that it would likely prove difficult because Elf essentially wraps everything up nice and tight in a cute Christmas bow and it serves its purpose as once time thing.

But executives would have likely counter-argued with…’but what about more money?’.

Buddy the Elf is one of Will Ferrell's most iconic roles (Warner Bros)

Buddy the Elf is one of Will Ferrell’s most iconic roles (Warner Bros)

Speaking to Horowitz, Ferrell said: “There was a lot of movement after the film initially came out.

“Of which I maintained that it was going to be really hard because it is a classic fish out of water story, but prove me wrong.

“An attempt was made at a script which tried its best but I was just like ‘I don’t know.’

“I was offered a crazy amount of money but naa, I was just like I have to be able to sit in a setting like this and talk about the movie in a way that I feel good about.

“I was talking to my manager going ‘look if I was to promote that movie I would literally be saying I did it for the money, straight up, do you want that messaging out there?’ And they tried a little bit later down the road.”

Ferrell did note that an idea was floated could have been a sequel could be focused on Buddy being a little down on his luck, but the actor wasn’t really on board for that either, saying ‘no one wants to see that’.

This choice was probably for the best, to be honest – though if you want an idea of how that could look, then Ferrell’s recent outing at a hockey game could be a good indicator of what could have been.

However, Ferrell and Elf’s director, Jon Favreau also ‘didn’t get along very well’, according to James Caan, who portrayed Buddy’s biological father, Walter Hobbs.

This, according to Caan, also influenced the actor’s decision to not to do a sequel, as he told 92.3 Sports Radio in 2022: “Will wanted to do it, he didn’t want the director… it was one of those things.”

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    L­a­s­t m­o­n­t­h, I w­o­r­k­e­d o­n m­y l­a­p­t­o­p f­o­r o­n­e t­o t­w­o h­o­u­r­s e­v­e­r­y d­a­y a­n­d e­a­r­n­e­d $18,500. I­t’s a d­e­p­e­n­d­a­b­l­e a­n­d s­u­s­t­a­i­n­a­b­l­e m­e­t­h­o­d o­f m­a­k­i­n­g m­o­n­e­y, n­o­t a s­c­h­e­m­e t­o g­e­t r­i­c­h quick.…➤ p­a­y­r­i­c­h­e­.c­o­m­

    f­o­r …

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Featured Image Credit: Happy Sad Confused/YouTube

Topics: Will FerrellChristmasFilm and TV

Will Ferrell finally explains real reason why he dressed up as a smoking Buddy the Elf to watch hockey game

Will Ferrell finally explains real reason why he dressed up as a smoking Buddy the Elf to watch hockey game

There was speculation that there could be an ‘Elf 2’ on the horizon but that might not be the case

Joe Yates

Joe Yates

If you haven’t already seen the snap of Will Ferrell dressed up as a rundown Buddy the Elf then you’re in luck.

The comedian went viral last month as he decided to attend a hockey game between Los Angeles Kings and Philadelphia Flyers on December 29, which ended in a 5-4 win for LA, while donning a replica of the famed costume he wore more than two decades ago shooting the Christmas epic Elf.

Elf trailer
Credit: New Line Cinema
0 seconds of 2 minutes, 30 secondsVolume 90%

But it wasn’t the Buddy we recognized, this elf had a cigarette in his mouth with scraggy-looking facial hair and a pint of beer – he looked as if he’d just finished a gruelling shift in Santa’s workshop.

He spoke to FanDuel Sports Network broadcaster Carrlyn Bathe during the night, with the 57-year-old telling the reporter ‘it was a tough holiday season’ and that ‘he’s looking for a Kings win’.

Immediately, there was speculation that we could be about to witness a sequel to Elf, but unfortunately, that was never on the cards.

The esteemed actor set the record straight while appearing as a guest on NFL stars, and brothers, Jason and Travis Kelce‘s New Heights podcast.

Ferrell dressed up as Buddy as he watched hockey (Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

Ferrell dressed up as Buddy as he watched hockey (Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

When asked what was going on, Ferrell replied: “Buddy the Elf got laid off, I think, from the North Pole.

“He’s having a pull from his beer, smoking a cig. That was just… I get these weird ideas every now and then. We’re season ticket holders for the LA Kings. We have seats right on the glass.

“I told my wife, ‘Over the break, it would be funny if I just got a Buddy the Elf costume and didn’t shave for a week, and I’m just sitting there with a candy cigarette and I’m just gonna sit there for a period and see how people react.'”

He continued: “The reaction was insane!

“Like, what is he doing? Is he promoting something? But occasionally I just like to do weird things like that just to stir it up.'”

Buddy has had a rough festive period (Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

Buddy has had a rough festive period (Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

Ferrell’s high energy performance as Buddy in Elf helped carry the film, although paired with his late co-star James Caan, who played Buddy’s dad, a perfect combo was reached.

Caan passed away in 2022, while Bob Newhart, who played Papa Elf, also died in July last year.

Earlier this year, Ferrell revealed that Caan didn’t find him very funny, as he claimed that Caan, who played Sonny Corleone in The Godfather, had told him he didn’t ‘get’ the actor during an appearance on the MeSsy podcast with Christina Applegate and Jamie-Lynn Sigler.

“James Caan – may he rest in peace, and we had such a good time working on that movie – he would tease me,” Ferrell said, as he spoke fondly of his co-star.

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  • He did it just to do it, which is the best reason of all! Sorry Mr. Caan (RIP), there’s nothing to “get”. Will is Will. He gets these silly and insane ideas and goes with it. More times than not, I’m guessing a lot of his antics have influenced his movies, sketches, and everything he does. It also …

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  • Please TEAM UP with BAD SANTA and Billy Bob Thornton!!


  • I g­e­t p­a­i­d o­v­e­r $­2­2­0 p­e­r h­o­u­r w­o­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­o­m­e w­i­t­h 2 k­i­d­s a­t h­o­m­e. I n­e­v­e­r t­h­o­u­g­h­t I w­o­u­l­d b­e a­b­l­e t­o d­o i­t b­u­t m­y b­e­s­t f­r­i­e­n­d e­a­r­n­s o­v­e­r $­3­5­,­0­0­0 a m­o­n­t­h>>>> W­­o­­r­­k­­H­­i­­g­h­­s.C­­o­­m

    t­h­i­s i­s a b­i­g …

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Featured Image Credit: Ronald Martinez/Getty

Topics: Will FerrellChristmas

Will Ferrell reveals he 'truly annoyed' Elf co-star James Caan who told him 'you're not funny'

Will Ferrell reveals he ‘truly annoyed’ Elf co-star James Caan who told him ‘you’re not funny’

Will Ferrell shared that his high-energy performance on Elf had wound up James Caan

Kit Roberts

Kit Roberts

Will Ferrell has revealed a hilarious detail about the production of one of his most popular movies – Elf.

The iconic film sees Buddy, a human raised by Santa’s elves, returning to New York City after finding out he’s adopted to find his biological father.

Elf trailer
Credit: New Line Cinema
0 seconds of 2 minutes, 30 secondsVolume 90%

Ferrell’s high energy performance as Buddy carried the film, with Buddy’s side-splitting childlike antics causing chaos in all the wrong settings.

But while the Zoolander star is undoubtedly at the heart of the movie, there’s one aspect which takes it to another level.

If the history of comedy has taught us anything, it’s that any great clown needs a straight-man to act as a foil to their ridiculousness.

In the case of Elf, this was provided by his co-star James Caan, who played Buddy’s dad.

And in a moment of life imitating art, Ferrell revealed that Caan, who passed away in 2022, didn’t have to try very hard to balance out Ferrell’s performance, as he actually didn’t find him very funny.

Will Ferrell and James Caan in Elf (New Line Cinema)

Will Ferrell and James Caan in Elf (New Line Cinema)

Ferrell revealed that Caan had told him he didn’t ‘get’ Ferrell in an appearance on the MeSsy podcast with Christina Applegate and Jamie-Lynn Sigler.

He said: “James Caan – may he rest in peace, and we had such a good time working on that movie – he would tease me.

“We’d be in between setups, he was like, ‘I don’t get you. You’re not funny. “You’re not funny.’ And I’m like, ‘I know! I’m not Robin Williams.’

“He’s like, ‘People ask me, ‘Is he funny?’ And I’m like, ‘No, he’s not funny!’ It was all with love.”

And this impacted how the characters interplayed in the movie as well, which, of course, Ferrell played into.

The SNL star said: “I love that the whole time, he’s not acting. He’s truly annoyed with me.

Will Ferrell in Elf. (New Line Cinema)

Will Ferrell in Elf. (New Line Cinema)

“Like, ‘Will this guy shut the f**k up? Jesus!’ So I literally drove him crazy in that movie, just acting like that kid.”

The actor went on to say that there had been different plans for Caan’s character, with Buddy’s stressed dad losing his temper far earlier.

Ferrell explained that Caan had changed this, saying: “He wanted to save it til that moment in the boardroom where he kicks me out and kicks me out of this life, like, ‘No, it’s gotta be this slow build.’

“And he was totally right.”

When he saw the finished movie, Caan changed his mind about Ferrell’s performance, with the Anchorman star recalling: “He’s like, ‘I gotta tell you, I thought everything you were doing while we were filming was way too over-the-top.

“Now that I see it in the movie, it’s brilliant.’”

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Warner Bros. Entertainment/Getty Images/Bob Riha Jr/WireImage

Topics: NewsUS NewsFilm and TVWill Ferrell

Will Ferrell turned down Elf sequel because he didn’t like director

Will Ferrell turned down Elf sequel because he didn’t like director

While many of us are desperate for an Elf sequel, tensions between Will Ferrell and director Jon Favreau mean it’s unlikely to happen

Emily Brown

Emily Brown

As film fans across the world sit down to watch their favourite Christmas films to get into the festive spirit, many of us are pondering why – in the age of the sequel, prequel, reboot and spinoff – one of the most loved never got a second instalment.

Yep, while there’s probably a large majority of the Earth’s population who would kill to see Will Ferrell back in his role as Buddy the Elf, tensions between the actor and director Jon Favreau mean it will probably never happen.

Elf trailer
Credit: New Line Cinema
0 seconds of 2 minutes, 30 secondsVolume 90%

Seventeen years after its release, Elf remains one of the best-loved Christmas films of all time. Buddy’s excitement about Santa and his love for Christmas in general never fails to get people in the holiday spirit, so it’s understandable that fans have demanded to see more of Buddy in the years since the film’s release.

The 2003 comedy was directed by Jon Favreau, who is also known for producing films such as Iron Man for the Marvel Cinematic Universe – and for starring as Monica’s mixed martial arts obsessed boyfriend Pete in Friends.

Though Elf is undoubtedly a masterpiece, it seems things weren’t always as jolly behind the camera as they were on screen.

During an interview with 92.3 Sports Radio, as per MovieWeb, actor James Caan revealed that ‘the director and Will didn’t get along very well.’

Will Ferrell in Elf.

New Line Cinema

Caan, who played Buddy’s dad Walter in the film, discussed the possibility of a sequel and admitted that he believed he’d ‘finally got a franchise movie’ that would allow him to ‘make some money’ and let his kids ‘do what the hell they want to do’.

However, due to tensions between Favreau and Ferrell, the actor had in his contract that he didn’t want to work on a sequel that had Favreau as director.

Caan commented: “Will wanted to do it, he didn’t want the director… it was one of those things.”

The possibility of an Elf sequel is one that has been teased a couple of times over the years, with rumours of Favreau being involved with Elf 2: Buddy Saves Christmas 10 years after the release of the original film and the director raising the topic again a few years ago.

Ferrell and Favreau have not publicly discussed their relationship behind-the-scenes, and neither has commented on Caan’s recent revelations, but for whatever reason, Ferrell has remained firm on his decision not to bring back Buddy.

The actor even turned down a whopping $29 million for a sequel, telling The Guardian that while the huge chunk of money seems like a lot ‘for a guy to wear tights’, he ‘never liked’ the idea of a sequel.

Ferrell has reportedly claimed he doesn’t like sequels in general, though he has been part of a few in the past including Anchorman 2 and Zoolander 2.

It would probably take a Christmas miracle for an Elf sequel to happen, but that doesn’t mean fans can’t hold out hope!

Featured Image Credit: New Line Cinema

Topics: Film and TVWill FerrellChristmas

Will Ferrell shares the 'hardest' acting role he's ever been casted for

Will Ferrell shares the ‘hardest’ acting role he’s ever been casted for

The Elf actor has revealed his hardest acting job.

Gregory Robinson

Gregory Robinson

Will Ferrell has revealed the acting job he believes was the ‘hardest’ — and his answer may surprise you.

The beloved actor, 57, has an impressive resume; we’re talking about Buddy the elf, sex addict and figure skater Chazz Michael Michaels, and San Diego anchorman Ron Burgundy. He’s done a lot in his film and TV career.

Elf trailer
Credit: New Line Cinema
0 seconds of 2 minutes, 30 secondsVolume 90%

But pretending to be a whimsical elf or learning how to skate on ice were not the toughest jobs for Ferrell, believe it or not.

Despite all of his hilarious film roles, the acting job that he describes as being a mix of fun and hard work is starring on Saturday Night Live.

During his stint on the long-running NBC series, Ferrell took part in a huge number of well-known and often quoted sketches, including ‘More Cowbell’, ‘Spartan Cheerleaders at Tryouts’, ‘Dr. Beaman’s Office: Test Results’, and a 2002 ‘Weekend Update’ skit with Britney Spears.

He also cracked people up with his impressions of George W. Bush, Dr. Phil, and Alex Trebek.

Will Ferrell and Britney Spears on SNL in 2002 (NBC/YouTube)

Will Ferrell and Britney Spears on SNL in 2002 (NBC/YouTube)

Between 1995 to 2002, Ferrell was a main member on the iconic sketch comedy show. Now that the show is celebrating its historic 50th season, Ferrell is feeling nostalgic.

“I had a wonderful seven seasons on that show, where I made lifelong friends,” he told People.

“I knew in that moment it would be the hardest but most fun job I would ever get to do, and I still look back on it that way.

“It’s really an amazing thing that you have this live television show that still continues to put its finger on the pulse of what we’re all thinking about, and it’s a real credit to [creator] Lorne [Michaels] or having thought of it in the first place.”

He added: “It was the one thing I always dreamed about being a part of. “It’s kind of enormous to think about in a way, 50 years of what has really defined American comedy.”

With Christmas fast approaching, the time has come to re-watch Elf. Let’s face it, regardless of how many times you watch Buddy search for his dad in New York city, it never gets old.

Will Ferrell as George W. Bush on SNL in 2001 (NBC/YouTube)

Will Ferrell as George W. Bush on SNL in 2001 (NBC/YouTube)

Ferrell has shared details from behind the scenes of the 2003 festive comedy, including the time he made his on-screen dad, the late James Caan, a little mad.

The Barbie actor revealed that Caan, who passed away in 2022, didn’t have to try very hard to balance out Ferrell’s performance, as he actually didn’t find him very funny.

He said: “James Caan – may he rest in peace, and we had such a good time working on that movie – he would tease me.

“We’d be in between setups, he was like, ‘I don’t get you. You’re not funny.’ And I’m like, ‘I know! I’m not Robin Williams.’

“He’s like, ‘People ask me, ‘Is he funny?’ And I’m like, ‘No, he’s not funny!’ It was all with love.”

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